My Technology Integration Activity project will require the creation of a digital learning space where students submit their Inquiry projects for formative assessment. I believe it would be beneficial for me to create a Digital Safety Plan as students will be collaborating with their classmates online for the project. I will also need to create a Digital Accessibility Strategy as there will be distribution of digital resources from myself and they’ll be using Google Drive applications (Google Classroom & Google Sites).
Digital Safety Plan
Students will…
- Understand safe and responsible digital behaviour used online (Lesson/discussions as a class, use examples of improper behaviour and discuss why that is unsafe)
- Know how to search safely and effectively for online material (Lesson on proper use of search engines, use Kiddle as primary search engine)
- Understand the importance of reporting concerns they have to the teacher (Class discussion on telling someone when they’re concerned about what they’ve seen or hear online)
Teacher will…
- Understand the potential risks their students may face when using an online application (Must do a risk assessment and research site before students)
- Understand how to keep students data and work safe and secure (Use a secure LMS system with no potential for an outsider to join, know how to reduce or eliminate risk)
I also just discovered this document from my school district listing the Roles and Responsibilities for Digital Technology in Schools. It is extremely lengthy and I think would benefit from making it more in ‘kid-friendly’ language so students understand what is expected of them.
Digital Accessibility Strategy
Elements of resources that you will create or using the Universal Design for Learning framework
- Online resources used in my Technology Integration Activity will use words, but rely a lot on pictures due to the age group of my students. Videos will also be used as a way to give information as one of my students is visually impaired.
Tools you could use to test for digital accessibility issues
- I plan on looking at all the features YouTube has to offer for accessibility. Some of my students are well below reading level, so having access to receive their instructions via video or audio would be extremely beneficial.
Strategies you could use to improve digital accessibility
- Through the varied use of:
- Video, images, audio, text
Becta. (2010). Safeguarding children online. Retrieved from
EDDL 5011. (2021) Module 8: Coursework
UDL On Campus. n.d. Retrieved from
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